Social and professional integration processes of refugees participating in community-based groups: restoring a deteriorated social fabric.

Notice bibliographique

Dionne, P., Saussez, F. et Dupuis, A. (2025). Social and professional integration processes of refugees participating in community-based groups: restoring a deteriorated social fabric. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 1–14.


Refugee camps represent a deleterious social environment that hinders the normal course of adults refugees’s developmental trajectory and blocks the possibility of giving themselves a future. Based on the Vygotsky’s conception of social “disabilities,” we analyzed participation in a community-based group that aims to help refugees along in their social and professional integration. The results show that the group members’ collective actions, directed toward the object of their desired future, mainly constitute a victory and overcoming process over the deteriorated social fabric in refugee camps. Specific resources are created by the overcoming process, which the participants can mobilize toward theirintegration.


Membres du CÉRTA impliqués

Patricia Dionne
Frédéric Saussez
Audrey Dupuis

Centre d’études et de recherches sur
les transitions et l’apprentissage
Université de Sherbrooke
Faculté d’éducation
2500, boul. de l’Université, local A1-238
Sherbrooke (Québec) CANADA J1K 2R1

Téléphone : (819) 821-8000 #62424
Télécopieur : (819) 821-7962