A French Translation of the Transgender Congruence Scale: Validation and Associations with Distress, Wellbeing and Perceived Transition Status.

Notice bibliographique

Martin-Storey, A., Cotton, J.-C., Le Corff, Y., Michaud, A. et Beauchesne Lévesque, S. (2020). A French Translation of the Transgender Congruence Scale: Validation and Associations with Distress, Wellbeing and Perceived Transition Status. Transgender Health, 6(1), 23-30.


Purpose: Disparities in psychosocial functioning between transgender and cisgender populations highlight the importance of validating measures assessing mechanisms of resilience for transgender and nonbinary people. Gender congruence is an important mechanism of resilience, as it focuses on the individual’s own gender objectives. Moreover, research increasingly links gender congruence to psychosocial functioning and well-being. The goals of the current study were to validate a French-language version of the Transgender Congruence Scale and examine how this scale was associated with life satisfaction, psychological distress, and perceived transition status.

Methods: Individuals (N=179) with a variety of transgender and nonbinary gender identities living in Quebec, Canada, were recruited online. They completed the Transgender Congruence Scale, as well as measures of transition status, psychological distress, and life satisfaction.

Results: A two-factor model (assessing appearance congruence and identity congruence, respectively) was supported in the current sample. The French translation of the Transgender Congruence Scale showed good reliability and validity, similar to those found with the original English language version of the measure. Higher scores on both subscales, as well as the total scale, were associated with better psychosocial functioning and self-defined transition status.

Discussion: Findings linked both appearance and identity congruence to psychosocial outcomes and supported the validity of this French version of the Transgender Congruence Scale. With potential clinical or research applications, the Transgender Congruence Scale is a brief and psychometrically sound measure of an important resilience construct for gender minority individuals that can now be used with Francophone populations.


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Membres du CÉRTA impliqués

Julie-Christine Cotton

Centre d’études et de recherches sur
les transitions et l’apprentissage
Université de Sherbrooke
Faculté d’éducation
2500, boul. de l’Université, local A1-238
Sherbrooke (Québec) CANADA J1K 2R1

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